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The operating system must shut down by default upon audit failure (unless availability is an overriding concern).


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-216041 SOL-11.1-010420 SV-216041r958426_rule Medium
Continuing to operate a system without auditing working properly can result in undocumented access or system changes.
Solaris 11 X86 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-05-30


Check Text ( C-17279r372505_chk )
The Audit Configuration profile is required.

This check applies to the global zone only. Determine the zone that you are currently securing.

# zonename

If the command output is "global", this check applies.

# pfexec auditconfig -getpolicy | grep ahlt

If the output does not include "ahlt" as an active audit policy, this is a finding.

# pfexec auditconfig -getpolicy | grep active | grep cnt

If the output includes "cnt" as an active audit policy, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-17277r372506_fix)
The Audit Configuration profile is required.

This action applies to the global zone only. Determine the zone that you are currently securing.

# zonename

If the command output is "global", this action applies.

Set audit policy to halt and suspend on failure.

# pfexec auditconfig -setpolicy +ahlt
# pfexec auditconfig -setpolicy -cnt